Video Dean Lewis – Be Alright (Tradução) Bom Sucesso

Assista Dean Lewis – Be Alright (Tradução) Bom Sucesso com 196 segundos de duração, teve 5637329 visualizações!

Publicado por sotrilhasonora2

Vídeo musical postado em 2019-07-19 23:23:52 por sotrilhasonora2. Vídeo que teve 73528 curtidas! Avaliado 5.00 – #Dean #Lewis #Alright #Tradução.

Dean Lewis – Be Alright (Tradução) Trilha Sonora Bom Sucesso (Lyrics Video)HD


Bom Sucesso nova novela das sete, escrita por Rosane Svartman e Paulo Halm
Com Paloma (Grazi Massafera) Antonio Fagundes (Alberto) Romulo Estrela (Marcos) Fabiula Nascimento (Nana)….


★ Visualizações: 5637329

★ Duração: 196 seg.

★ Curtidas: 73528

4/5 - (1 voto)


Adicione o seu
  1. 14

    Essa música acaba comigo. Muita nostalgia da época de Bom Sucesso, antes da pandemia. Volta logo, tempos normais!!! (Sem quarentena)

  2. 19

    Sinto falta dele! 😔😔😭 é uma pena tê-lo deixado ir. Uma pena eu ter escolhido ir embora achando que seria melhor pra mim.
    Eu achei que ia esquecer, achei que outro amor curaria a falta. Hoje eu sei que não. 9 meses de saudade. Ele vibrou com minhas pequenas conquistas, me ajudou com meu primeiro emprego, me presenteou com a sua companhia, me entendeu nas minhas crises de ansiedade e me ensinou valores que eu não sabia… eu o amo, mas sei que… Acabou pra mim! Vai doer não só por um tempo mas pelo que vejo talvez a vida toda.😭😭😭 Mizael 😭😭

  3. 21

    I look up from the ground
    To see your sad and teary eyes
    You look away from me
    And I see there's something you're trying to hide
    And I reach for your hand but it's cold
    You pull away again
    And I wonder what's on your mind
    And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake
    You start to tremble and your voice begins to break
    You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friends
    They were my mates
    And I feel the color draining from my face
    And my friend said
    "I know you love her, but it's over, mate
    It doesn't matter, put the phone away
    It's never easy to walk away, let her go
    It'll be alright"
    So I asked to look back at all the messages you'd sent
    And I know it wasn't right, but it was fucking with my head
    And everything deleted like the past, it was gone
    And when I touched your face, I could tell you're moving on
    But it's not the fact that you kissed him yesterday
    It's the feeling of betrayal, that I just can't seem to shake
    And everything I know tells me that I should walk away
    But I just want to stay
    And my friend said
    "I know you love her, but it's over, mate
    It doesn't matter, put the phone away
    It's never easy to walk away, let her go
    It'll be okay
    It's gonna hurt for a bit of time
    So bottoms up, let's forget tonight
    You'll find another and you'll be just fine
    Let her go"
    Cause nothing heals the past like time
    And they can't steal
    The love you're born to find
    But nothing heals the past like time
    And they can't steal
    The love you're born to find
    "And I know you love her, but it's over, mate
    It doesn't matter, put the phone away
    It's never easy to walk away, let her go
    It'll be okay
    It's gonna hurt for a bit of time
    So bottoms up, let's forget tonight
    You'll find another and you'll be just fine
    Let her go"
    It'll be alright
    It'll be alright
    It'll be alright
    It'll be alright
    It'll be alright

  4. 25

    é 2022 e Eu Aqui 01:32 Da Manhã Ouvindo Essa Linda Música e Pensado Nos Momentos Bom Que Eu Ainda Espero Viver Que Deus Abençoe Cada Um De Vocês 🙏🏼🙏🏼🎆🎆🍀🍀🙏🏼🙏🏼

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