Video Amy Winehouse – Back To Black

Curta Amy Winehouse – Back To Black com 241 segundos de duração, teve 1158012032 visualizações!

Publicado por AmyWinehouseVEVO

Vídeo postado em 2009-12-23 14:35:35 por AmyWinehouseVEVO. Vídeo que teve 6327486 curtidas! Avaliado 5.00 – #Amy #Winehouse.

The official music video for Back To Black by Amy Winehouse, directed by Phil Griffin. This track is the third single from the Back To Black album and was released on 30th April 2007, reaching the top 10 in the UK charts and going on to be certified platinum by 2015.
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★ Visualizações: 1158012032

★ Duração: 241 seg.

★ Curtidas: 6327486

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  1. 11

    Mueres cien veces en esta vida y nadie se da ni cuenta….😢,lo siento amy ♥️ y ahora lloran despues de tu fallecimiento 🕯🕯🕯😔🥀

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